Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Paging,Sorting in datagrid

Paging and sorting is the most common feature of datagrid. As i am very much used to with ObjectDataSource, i don't have to do anything for implementing Paging and sorting.
Just set the datasource of the gridview to the ObjectDataSource and
set the AllowPaging and AllowSorting property of the grid view to true and
for each column put some SortExpression and
some pagesize for the gridview.
And thats all for implementing the paging and sorting. ObjectDataSource will take care of the remainings for you.
But some situalition arises where i must not use ObjectDataSource, actuaaly not using ObjectDataSource is easier from coding perspective though we have to implement the paging and sorting explicitly. So i used this code, a overloaded version of bindGrid() function to handle the situaltion

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
gvStockCode.Sorting += new GridViewSortEventHandler(gvStockCode_Sorting);
gvStockCode.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler(gvStockCode_PageIndexChanging);

void gvStockCode_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
gvStockCode.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
bindGrid(); //Call bindgrid without any parameter so that previous sorting is maintained

void gvStockCode_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
gvStockCode.PageIndex = 0; //Don't change page index if you want to show the old page the user was
if (ViewState["SortDirection"] != null && ViewState["SortExpression"] != null)

SortDirection direction = (SortDirection)ViewState["SortDirection"];
string sortExpr = ViewState["SortExpression"].ToString();
if (sortExpr.ToLower() == e.SortExpression.ToLower())
direction = direction == SortDirection.Ascending ? SortDirection.Descending : SortDirection.Ascending;
bindGrid(e.SortExpression, direction);
bindGrid(e.SortExpression, e.SortDirection);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
void bindGrid()
SortDirection direction = SortDirection.Ascending; //Default Sort Direction
string sortExpr = ""; //Default sort expression, you can put any expression if wanted to be default for grid
if (ViewState["SortDirection"] != null && ViewState["SortExpression"] != null)
direction = (SortDirection)ViewState["SortDirection"];
sortExpr = ViewState["SortExpression"].ToString();
bindGrid(sortExpr, direction);
void bindGrid(string sortExpression, SortDirection sortDirection)
DataTable dt = BusinessLogic.FillTable();//Some function declared in BL

DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
if (sortExpression != string.Empty)
if (sortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending)
dv.Sort = sortExpression + " ASC";
dv.Sort = sortExpression + " DESC";
gvStockCode.DataSource = dv;
ViewState["SortExpression"] = sortExpression;
ViewState["SortDirection"] = sortDirection;

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trigger validator control validation from javascript

function checkForConfirmRate()
for(var i=0;i<Page_Validators.length;i++)
if(Page_Validators[i].id != '<%= rfvStockCode.ClientID %>')
ValidatorValidate(Page_Validators[i]); //Function to trigger the validation
ValidatorUpdateIsValid();//To show the validation message according to the validator display property
ValidationSummaryOnSubmit();//To show in sumary(if exists)
return Page_IsValid;

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Run aggregate on datatable column

I had one table with columns "Name" and "Department" which i need to display in a multiline textbox. like below
Name~~~~~~~~ Dept
Tarun Ghosh~~~SWD
Diptangshu Das~SSWD
So that the names and Dept are aligned properly. So i needed the Max of the string length of the column "Name" and give a right-padding to name to make all of same length with the maximum lengthed name.
Firstly i went with the primitive looping through each record and calculate the max of the row, if it is greater than the global max, set global max to current max algo...
But i was not satisfied with the approach even though no problem.
Then i got the
public Object Compute(
string expression,
string filter
function of DataTable. Expression par needs to be some aggregate function lik Sum, Avg,Min,Max,Count,Var. with filter expression is same as where clause in dt.Select() function.
But one problemmmmmmmm.... The expression parameter can't work on computed column. Like say you have two column qty and unit price. You need to get the max(qty*unitPrice), then first you have to add a new column to hold the value of the multiplied result and then use the compute function on that column.
So in my case i wanted to get the max of length. So i added a column as

DataColumn col = new DataColumn("Length");
col.Expression = "Len(Name)";
col.DataType = typeof(int);
object obj= dt.Compute("Max(Length)","");

obj is storing the max length value
Some useful link

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get the date diference in the form of x Years y months z days

Somethimes we need to get the difference of two dates in SQL server to send the result to front end. The result of DateDiff SQL function will give the difference of the date for a particular part like year or month or day... If you think of just concatinating the results got from three datediff function with parameters for year,month and day, you will get the wrong result. WHY???
DateDiff(Year,'2007/31/12','2008/1/1') is 1 though the difference only 1 day.
Similarly month differnce and day difference will be shown as 1.
So the result age is "1 year 1 month 1 day". But actyually only "1 day".
Here is a function i wrote to get the exact value. This is very useful when you need to get the age on today when you have DOB stored in your database. Here you have to send the DOB as @startdate and GetDate() as @endDate

Create FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetDateDifference] (@startDate as DateTime,@endDate DateTime)
RETURNS varchar(50) AS
DECLARE @res varchar(50)
DECLARE @mon int,@year int,@day int
SELECT @year = DateDiff(year,@startDate,@endDate)
--SET @year = @day/365
SET @startDate = DateAdd(Year,@Year,@startDate)
if(@startDate > @endDate) --If the month value of Start Date is more than that of End Date
--@startDate can become more than date 2 if the values are like
--@startDate = '2007/12/15' and @endDate = '2008/02/01',
--The datediff year will be 1 though only 2 month+ difference
SET @year = @year - 1
SET @startDate = DateAdd(Year,-1,@startDate)
SELECT @mon = DateDiff(Month,@startDate,@endDate)
--SET @mon = @day/28
--Select @mon = DateDiff(Month,@startDate,@endDate)
SET @startDate = DateAdd(Month,@mon,@startDate)
if(@startDate > @endDate)
--Same as year,month can show maximum of 1 unit more if the start date "Day" val in more than end date "Day value"
set @startDate = DateAdd(Month,-1,@startDate)
set @mon = @mon - 1
SELECT @day = DateDiff(Day,@startDate,@endDate)
set @res = ''
If(@year > 0)
SELECT @res = Cast(@year as Varchar(10)) + ' Year(s) '
if( @year>0 or @mon>0)
Set @res = @res + Cast(@mon as Varchar(10)) + ' Month(s) '

set @res = @res + Cast(@day as Varchar(10)) + ' Day(s)'
--set @res = @year & ' '
--select @res = @year & ' ' & @mon & ' ' &@day

Note: It is not a good practice to use backend sqlserver for this kind of calculations. It is preferable to return two dates to front end and then do the desired calculations.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Generate Your Dynamic Report Through Reporting Service

I have posted some articles on reporting service. Here is a sample project which will generate report dynamically. It is having an interface where you select the database in a DDL then a table or view from the selected DB and select some columns for details and group of the report. Then it will generate the report RDL and publish it to your report server. If you want to select from multiple tables with joining, you can do that also by giving your custom query.
Here are some setting which you will have to change to run the project like
string serverName = "localhost"; //The server where the report will be published.
string reportVirtualPath = "LocalReportServer"; //The virual directory path of the reportserver
string parentFolder = "QuoteReports"; //The folder where the reports will be published.
Here i am using some AppSettings val in web.config. Change those according your local settings. But in "MasterConStr" the 'Initial Catalog' value should be 'master' because this connection string is used for fetching data about DBs.
Add the web reference of the reporting service to your ptoject. You may have to change the "RSLocal.ReportService2005" AppSettings value.
Here is the link of the project
Here i am using sql express repoting service and my report server and database is in dame machine. If you have the Report server installed in other machine than the Database you may have some problem with the DataSource. For that pls refer to my other post Use stored credential for report created by c# code.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Use PageRequestManager To Trigger Javascript for Asynchronous Postback

In my last post Send Balk Data(Datatable) From Child Window To Parent
i explained how we can send bulk data from child window to parent. But if we are using Asp.Net ajax in client page i.e the postback is caused asynchronously, then we can't use the RegisterStartUpScript to call the javascript function. But instead we have to use the Microsoft's Ajax javascript framework. I did this with the use of PageRequestManager JS Class as follows

var postBackThroughAdd = false;
function addRequestManager()
var reqMgr=Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
//Do something before the call begins
if (args.get_error() == undefined)//Checks there is no error
postBackThroughAdd = false;
//Function to trigger the parent postback and flag set and close the page

Variable postBackThroughAdd is a flag variable, which is set "true" when the button for which we want to send the data to parent is clicked. The code is like

<asp:Button ID="btnAddPartNoToCatalog" runat="server" Text="Add" CssClass="formButton"OnCommand="btnAddPartNoToCatalog_Command" OnClientClick="postBackThroughAdd = true;" />

Here if any error occurs while setting the data in session through server event btnAddPartNoToCatalog_Command, i am simply throughing the error with some userfriendly message. The message will be shown in JS message box and args.get_error() will not be undefined. So the function addToquote() will not be called.
Note: addRequestManager() function should be called on bodyload so that the JS events are registered before they fires actully. With the help of PageRequestManager class you can do some other tasks like showing some message in div after some action has succeeded of failed, show/hide loading... div without using UpdateProgress but same functionality(In the beginRequest handler, set the div's "display" property to "block" and int endRequest hander display to "none").

Friday, July 4, 2008

Send Balk Data(Datatable) From Child Window To Parent

Currently in one of my .aspx page i was selecting some information from a child window which is opened from a parent window. I opened the window like'PartNoLookup.aspx','PartNo','left=150, top=60,width=800,height=600, toolbar=no, status=1,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,dependent=yes');
Some PartNos with their information was selected by the child "PartNoLookup.aspx" page. Now i have to send the part nos to the parent page to be displayed. My parent page was NewQuote.aspx.
Now the problem arises if it was a small value then i could do it with
window.opener.document.getelementById('parentCtrlId').value='Some Value'
But as it was a bulk datatable i can't send it like that.
I stored the DataTable in Session["PartNo"] from the child page. And placed a hidden field "hidFlag" (not with runat='server'. this should be a html hiddenfield) in the Parent Page (i.e. NewQuote.aspx). And wrote some javascript with the Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript like
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "", "refreshParentAndClose();", true);
And inside childpage (PartNoLookup.aspx) i added the JS function refreshParentAndClose() as
function refreshParentAndClose()
So this function will set the flag in the parent a also submit the page.
Here as the page is postback by some unconventional way, only the PageLoad,PreRender and some processing cycle events will fire in the parent. So i have to check for the flag inside tha Load() event. So i added the checking code in Page_LoadCode as
string flag=Request.Form["hidFlag"];
case "checksession":
//Check the session and show inside the page.

Note:Put the hidden field as Html hidden, not with runat=server coz, if you set it server variable then change by the javascript will no be visible as it will be restored from the viewstate. y JavaScript we are changing the value not the stored value inside Encripted ViewState. Also if you use server Hidden field the clientid may not be same as server id. So setting it from child page will be problemetic (but not impossible).

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Resize and position Javascript popup

In many of my project i came across the situation where i had to open a popup with a particular size and position the popup in the middle of the window. I was sending the height and width parameter in the funtion parameter. But many times i had to add some extra controls in that page which needs the increase of the popup size. I was problemetic for me to goback to the parent page and find the javascript which is opening the popup and change.
So i decided to control the size from the popup itself. And i used
window.resizeTo(width,height) function for that purpose and called it on body onLoad event.
But what about positioning the popup?
For both the pubpose to solve i wrote a function resizeAndPositionWindow() which takes height and width as parameter and positions the popup in the middle of the window. Below is the function...
function resizeandPositionWindow(width,height)
var scrW = 1024, scrH = 768;
var popW=width,popH=height;
if (document.all document.layers) {
scrW = screen.availWidth;
scrH = screen.availHeight;
scrW = window.screen.availWidth;
scrH = screen.availHeight;
var x,y;

By default it is assumed that the screen resolution of the user is 1024X768. Then it determines the actual height.
I used the above funtion to make a function which will take a int parameter as gap between the popup and computer screen and will make the popup which will have that length in top,bottom,left and right.
function resizeAccordingToScreenSize(gap)
var scrW = 1024, scrH = 768;
if (document.all document.layers) {
scrW = screen.availWidth;
scrH = screen.availHeight;
scrW = window.screen.availWidth;
scrH = screen.availHeight;
var gapPx=0;
catch(e){alert("Wrong value for gap.")}

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Use stored credential for report created by c# code

In my current project i have created an interface through which admin can generate the report he wants from any of the table (or combination of tables) from any DB in the server. The interface is generating the xml Report Defination (rdl) and publishing it with the reporting service web service.
Now the problem came with the datasource of the report. When i publish the report it was showing the username and password input box in the report viewer. If i put those it was running beautifulluy. But it was not what i wanted. None of us will bother to give the UID and password everytime. Here is the sample of code i used to generate the report

static int zIndex = 1;
string serverName = "localhost";
string reportVirtualPath = "LocalReportServer";
string parentFolder = "QuoteReports";
string dataSetName = "DSSOP";
string dataSourceName = "DynamicDataSource";
string parTabName = "bodyTable";

void deployReport(string reportName, string reportDefination)// reportDefination is the xml rdl
ReportingService2005 rs = new ReportingService2005();
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
byte[] byteRDL;
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
byteRDL = encoder.GetBytes(reportDefination);
Property[] rsProperty = new Property[10];
//Property property = new Property();
Warning[] warnings;
warnings = rs.CreateReport(reportName, "/" + parentFolder, true, byteRDL, null);
catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex)
tdMessage.InnerHtml = "Exception in publiching report.
" + ex.Message + "

I was using report-specific datasource with authentication. My sample datasource section of the RDL is below
<datasource name="Personal">
<?xml:namespace prefix = rd /><rd:datasourceid>1a234378-11f1-4dc0-bc74-91df6d7d94f7</rd:datasourceid>
<connectstring>Data Source=SODC42\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SOP;UID=sa;password=123456;</connectstring>

Though i was putting the connection string with UID and password, still it was showing the textboxes for username and password.
After a lot of google i found that reporting service uses two connection strings 1) one for connection to the report server 2) another for connection the report server to the databse (In mycase the both of report server and DB server is same express version in localhost). The connection string supplied in the RDL is for the first purpose and the second connection information is stored with the DataSource information in the ReportServer DB.
Then i open the report with the reportmanager (http://localhost/reports) and edit the report. In the editor i found the datasources link where i saw the "Credentials supplied by the user running the report" radio is selected. I canged the selection to "Credentials stored securely in the report server" and gave the desired credentials. Then i saw the report is not showinf the text boxes.
Now it was clear that the problem is with the DataSource not with the RDL. Then i went with the idea of using SharedDataSource and attach it with the report. While deploying the report i was checking if the shared datasource is already existing. If not then create it. Here is the code for creating the shared datasource.

DataSourceDefinition def = new DataSourceDefinition();
def.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Store;
def.ConnectString = ReportConnection.GetConnection("SOP").ConnectionString;
def.Enabled = true;
def.EnabledSpecified = true;
def.Extension = "SQL";
def.ImpersonateUser = false;
def.ImpersonateUserSpecified = true;
def.WindowsCredentials = false;
def.UserName = "sa";
def.Password = "123456";
rs.CreateDataSource(dataSourceName, dataSourcePath, true, def, null);
rs.SetDataSourceContents(dataSourcePath + "/" + dataSourceName, def);

Note:Before creating you have to check whether it already exists of not. And also the folder structure.
The rdl for datasource :
<DataSource Name="DynamicDataSource">
<DataSourceReference>/Data Sources/DynamicDataSource</DataSourceReference>
Now the report is running fine.
But still there was something hitting in my mind. Why i shall use SharedDataSource? I shall use report specific datasource. But how?
After some days lots of RnD s i found it. It is totally my assumtion. I have no idea how far it is true. But it works.
The report specific datasources you have to keep in a folder "Data Sources" in the same directory as the report and then only the report can use it. So i created the datasource in the report folder's "Data Sources" folder. And so far it is running.

Download Sample Project
For information about the project refer to my other post
Generate Your Dynamic Report Through Reporting Service

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Reporting service: Dynamic Toggle Group

In my current project i have to use Reporting Service 2005 for generating some reports. It was the first time for me to RS. The report was showing some group on Year >> Month >> Day. The report was drill down one. I had to show the current month's days open i.e when the user open the report which is decending sorted with year,month,day will show the report with current mont's days expanded. All other years and month will remain collapsed.
For that i added two parameter to my report through
Report Layout (Designer)-> Report (Menu) -> Report Parameters(sub menu).
The parameters are showYear of type int and showMonth of type int.
Default value for showYear, i selected "non-queried" and in the textbox wrote =Year(Today)
and same for showMonth with TB value =Month(Today) so that the default value is set to the current month and year.
Now i edit the group showing the month and in the visibility tab i set "Initial Visibility" expression to "=IIF(Parameters!showYear.Value=Fields!Year.Value,false,true)", so that if the yeay is equals to current year then it will stay initially visible. And for day i set expression to "=IIF(Parameters!showYear.Value=Fields!Year.Value,IIF(Parameters!showMonth.Value=Fields!Month.Value, false,true),false)", so that if the month and year is euals to current then it will be stay initially visible (i kept the "Visibility can be toogled by another report item" section as it was.).
Now when i preview the report i found everything is running fine. By default it is expanding current year and month and if i put some other value in the report changing textbox it is expanding corresponding record. But the "+" and "-" signgs for toogle for those initially expanded is showing opposite i.e. "+" even when initially it is expanded and "-" when clicked to collapse.
Why this is happening? After searching various properies for the report and its item i got the "InitialToogleState" property of the textbox which by default is collapsed. Then i set this property to expression so that it is "Collapsed" and "Expanded" properly to show "+" and "-" sign respectively.
I set the year textbox's (TB which is responsible for toggle in year group row) InitialToogleState property to "=IIF(Parameters!showYear.Value=Fields!Year.Value,true,false)" and for month's one "=IIF(Parameters!showYear.Value=Fields!Year.Value,IIF(Parameters!showMonth.Value=Fields!Month.Value, true,false),true)" . Then i saw the result was as desired.
We can hide the Parameter Promt in the report viewer by ShowParameterPrompts="False" in the reportviewer control and send the parameter by querystring as 'showYear=2004&showMonth=5' .
Some points to note:
1) "InitialToogleState" property is boolean. "Collapsed" indicates false and "Expanded" true
2) "Initial Visibility" is set to month and day rows where as "InitialToogleState" is set for year and month TB.

One useful link:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

XML writing problem.. Encoding Fixing

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(ms, System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8);
writer.Indentation = 3;
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
writer.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"");
writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", null, "");//Writing namespace
writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "rd", null, "");//Writing namespace

Or You can use StringBuilder class object like below
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Some Handy SQL Server Query

Get the Information about all the databases available in your SQL Server
EXEC sp_databases
EXEC sp_helpdb
select * from master..sysdatabases
SELECT * FROM sys.databases
SELECT * FROM sys.sysdatabases
EXEC sp_msForEachDB 'PRINT ''?'''
Get the Information about all the tables available in your SQL Server Database
exec sp_tables
but with this you have to filter to exclude the table owned by (
Get the Information about all the tables available in your SQL Server Database
sp_columns @tableName
Select * from Information_Schema.Columns where Table_Name=@tableName

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Problem Numeric check in SQL Server

In my datase i had a table which contains both numeric and characters and the table datatype was Varchar, and i have to find the min of the of the numeric value. In sql server the function ISNUMERIC(expr) was the solution to get rid of the character value.
The ISNUMERIC function determines whether an expression is a valid numeric type. returns 1 when the input expression evaluates to a valid numeric data type; otherwise it returns 0. So i used the query like below
Select min(ColName) from demo where ISNUMERIC(ColName)=1
And i was getting my desired value.
But one day it started an exception in my page. And i could not find the reason.
After a long debugging i found that it was the problem with ISNUMERIC function of sql server. The ISNUMERIC function is returning 1 for some non-numeric character like '-' i.e
Select Isnumeric('-') returns 1 not 0.
And it was returning '-' from the query and error in page.
Then i tried with casting the result to int as.
Select Cast(min(ColName) as int) from demo where ISNUMERIC(ColName)=1
And in this way the error was solved but the min value was always 0 as Cast('-')=0
Then i identified this abnormal characters as excluded them through the where clause.
Select Cast(min(ColName) as int) from demo where ISNUMERIC(ColName)=1 and eadr not in('+','-','$').
This behaviour occurs for these three charactes('+','-','$') i have found so far.
For more information check this link

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

XML Encoding Problem In SQL Server

In a project i was sending an XML file to a SP which was written by someone. It was insering values to a master table and some details table. The SP was taking some TEXT datatype as input for the XML. Now the problem was one day we found some
"XML parsing error: An invalid character was found in text content. sql server xml parse" error and i come to know that some datatype is having some non-ascii characters like "Ö","«" for which the error was generated.
We were told to just avoid throughing error so that the user can continue their work. The fastest solution i came accross was to format the string before puttin into the XML.
So i wrote a function which will take the String as input and return the ASCII string as output as below.
public static string getUTF8String(string str) {
char[] ch = str.ToCharArray();
byte[] by = new byte[ch.Length * 2]; //If all char is UNicode then max byte is 2 X length System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
int charUsed, byteUsed;
bool completed;
enc.GetEncoder().Convert(ch, 0, ch.Length, by, 0, by.Length, true, out charUsed, out byteUsed, out completed);
string res=enc.GetString(by, 0, byteUsed);
return res;
So the Non-Ascii character may change, but the workflow wsa not hampered.
But the best solution is to change the SP and the xml sent to the SP. In the SP you should make the input parameter as NTEXT rather than TEXT and in the XML mention the encoding as UTF-16 - not UTF-8. In this way it will accept all unicode characters.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ajax Like File Uploading

Place a hiddenIFrame into the page and submit the form containing the file uploader (input type='file') to the hidden iframe by changing the target property of the form to the name of
the IFrame. Here i have made the target of form (id='formUpload') to "iframeHidden"
as my iframe name is "ifameHidden". For uploading the file you have to make the'
enctype' and 'method' attributes values as it is in the example.

I have made the action attribute of the page to UploadFile.aspx page. This is a
page where it counts the Files Collection of the Request Object and if it finds
any file in the Collection (Request.Files.Count>0), it saves the file in the same
folder with the same name as file. The saving code is very trivial, for a real world
applicatio you have to be carefull while saving like name overwrite,different path

<script type="text/javascript">
function uploadFile(id)

<iframe id="iframeHiden1" style="height:0px;width:0px;border:0"
name="iframeHiden" src="UploadFile.aspx"></iframe>

<form id="formUpload" target="iframeHiden" enctype="multipart/form-data"
action="UploadFile.aspx" method="post">

Ajax Upload File In HTML Form:<input type="file" onchange="uploadFile('file1')"
id="file1" name="fileUploadHTML" />


UploadFile.aspx Page Load Event

void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


int noOfFile = Request.Files.Count;

if (noOfFile > 0)


string path = Request.PhysicalPath.Substring(0, Request.PhysicalPath.LastIndexOf("\\")
+ 1) + Request.Files[0].FileName;



Thursday, February 21, 2008

How To Keep Session Live Till The Page Stays Open

One one of my project i was told that the user will keep the browser open and will
talk to their client for long time, which may be 1/2 hour continuous and after that
they will come back and add some item to the page as per the discussion over the
phone. So we have to keep the session live till that period to keep him logged in.
The way to implement this are

1) Add the following code in web.config file

<sessionState timeout="100"></sessionState>Here timeout is in munites and sessionwill stay live upto 180 min i.e 3 hours
(by default the timeout is 20 mins) which was enough for our purpose.

But with this way of implementation we were misusing the valuable server disk space
for all the session variables will stay for that long time. So even if you close
the browser the objects will stay in the server for next 3 Hours. So we implemented
another way

2) In the Body tag of our aspx page i put a div which is having display style attribute='None'
so that the div does not display in the page.

And then put a IFrame inside the div and set another aspx page (KeepSession.aspx)
as the src of the IFrame. The the page in the IFrame i make it auto refresh after
18 mins. In this way though the session is to be expired in 20 mins (by default),
but the KeepSession.aspx page will be reloaded in every 18 mins and the session
will be refreshed and it will start counting the 20 mins expire time from start.
So in this way it will stay alive for ever. Below in the quote in my NewQuote.aspx


<div style="display:none">

<iframe id="redresh" src="RefreshSession.aspx" height="0" width="0">



<form id="form1" runat="server">




KeepSession.aspx Page

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="KeepSession.aspx.cs"
Inherits="KeepSession" %>

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Refresh Session</title>

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1048" />
<!--Here the content value is the no of secconds
after which the page will be reloaded automatically. Make it less than the session
expire time -->



<form id="form1" runat="server




Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to view all triggers

To view the trigger from a particular database Table
exec sp_helpTrigger @tabname='QTQuotationMaster'

If you want to see all the triggers available in the database then run this
SQL Server 2000:
select * from sysobjects where xtype ='TR'

SQL Server 2005:
Select * from sys.triggers